Privacy And Cookies Policy
When shopping with Buy In Trade Wholesale & Distribution, it is essential that we continue to provide you with safe, relevant shopping for your business needs with each and every visit you make to our site. To this end, we may need to collect certain information from you with regard to your purchases, your browsing history on-site, and with regard to any details we may otherwise have requested from you at the point of registration or checkout. This privacy and cookie policy is in place to assure you of our intentions for such data we collect, and why we do so.
We will collect information from you through a number of communication channels, whether through direct verbal or written conversation, through physical contact or via email and SMS. It is essential that we continue to collect such data from you so that we can continue to assure you of a safe and relevant shopping experience for your firm or retailer at all times. We do, however, strongly advise that you read through our following policy terms before you make any purchases from us for avoidance of any doubt.
Your Information
When you choose to sign up your firm or retailer with Liaos Trading Limited, you will agree to provide us with information so that we may be able to physically deliver goods to you and communicate with you regarding orders and for marketing purposes as per your preferences. We will therefore collect data such as your company name, your personal name, trading address, telephone numbers, email addresses and further identifying data such as your age and gender. It is also essential that we retain such data based on your browsing history with us through the collection of your IP address and your shopping preferences – your IP address is used to identify your device’s physical location and is retained by us for security purposes, as well as to understand where our clients may be based.
What We Do With Your Data
With regard to the data you provide to us as above, please be advised that we may use your information for any of the following purposes:
For research purposes – so that we may improve our website and catalogue for other users and retailers
To ensure that we continue to offer you relevant services that are easy to use
To establish the regions our customers and clients are registered in
To continue to assure security – we retain IP addresses should we need to restrict your access to our website
To supply related advertising on external websites you may visit
For marketing purposes – so that we can continue to contact you with relevant offers and information through the communication channels you have cited as preferred
To disclose data anonymously for marketing and statistical purposes
We share information with third parties to perform ad measurement services on your behalf, and that you obtain customer consent for such sharing and use where legally required.
Why We May Contact You
We may need to get in touch with you and/or your business for any of the following reasons:
To be able to supply you with essential updates to terms and conditions, and/or policies such as these
To be able to market products and services to you as requested or preferred, which you may opt out of at any time
To respond directly to your concerns
To invite you to provide feedback on our services
To help you gain access to your account
We will never contact you requesting sensitive or account data via email – please be vigilant for phishing emails reporting to be acting on behalf of Liaos Trading Limited
Your Data and Others
We may need to share your data with third party services and sites for marketing and advertising purposes only, as outlined in the above data. We endeavour to keep your personal and identifying information safeguarded at all times and will only share such data when the aforementioned circumstances may apply, for data analysis, or when you may request us to do so.
Data Retention
As per UK law, we are required to retain certain data regarding your use of Liaos Trading Limited and must therefore advise that certain information cannot be directly removed from our servers. You can deactivate your account should you have any concerns, but we will not be able to delete it from our records completely. It is essential for us to continue holding your information for as long as you require a service from us.
To request information on the data we may hold on you, we will need you to make a written information request to Liaos Trading Limited.There may also be circumstances whereby we may be able to delete certain data we hold on you. Please ensure you enclose at least two of the following identifying documents when making an information request via post:
A UK Passport
A Birth Certificate
A Current Vehicle Registration Document
A Drivers’ Licence
A Recent Utility Bill or Bank Statement
Cookie Policy
Liaos Trading Limited uses cookies to ensure that we can closely analyse how traffic is performing on our website. Cookies can be stored on your computer or device and can be used to identify your previous visits with us so that we can better understand your needs. If you are a repeat visitor to Liaos Trading Limited, you may benefit from using cookies to store your site preferences, login details and more – though you are free to delete cookies associated with our site from your device, we must ensure you agree to our policy before you browse with us.
We may also retain certain data from your web browser (e.g. Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox). This means that your IP address and site behaviour may be disclosed to us, as well as associated data regarding your general internet browsing. Once again, you may delete or block cookies as per your preferences – but your site experience with us may vary if this is the case. Please also ensure you carefully read and agree to any applicable cookie policies for any third party sites we may link to.
More Information
We may choose to alter this policy at any time and will ensure to advise you should this be the case. However, it is strongly advised that you cease using Liaos Trading Limited if you do not agree with our privacy or cookie policies before or after any adjustments may be made.
Please also note that our site may link to third party services and sites – and it is important you read privacy and cookie policies relevant to such sites before you browse them. Liaos Trading Limited does not accept any liability for your use of any external websites.
For more information on this policy, please contact us.